
Play suits


Play suits, the story so far…


TEST SITE Project - City of Melbourne - October 2023 - Southbank, Melbourne


Starting in 2022, when I commenced my Masters at VCA, I have focused my academic research and practical studio work on being playful and play. 18 months later I have developed and experimented with soft sculpture, sound, installation work and now, wearable art I have called “Playsuits” This playsuits are designed to inhibit, change our gait, sight perceptions and attempt to trigger play memories and freedom. I try to make them accessible for all bodies, bodies that can hide under and feel safe to explore and frolic.


Sydeny May 2023

I was pumped to be accepted into EDGE Art Camp on the GreenWay. This creative art community and residency, run by Inner west council, Sydney, enabled myself and my playsuits to experiment in the community. The 2 week activation meant I could make onsite, and learn about ways to invite adults to play. This activation was a great learning curve, and Im really thankful for this opportunity.


Let make a Play about “Play”

I was excited to receive a Creative Engine Grant, from GPAC (Geelong performing Arts centre) in 2023 where I can get supported to develop a small non verbal play around the playsuits, each playsuit demonstrating a element of play. Watch this space…

Play time, VCA Grad Show 2023, VCA Masters